Jun Iwasaki

A memory is something you have or something you have lost

¥1,700 - ¥30,000

短編アンソロジーのシリーズ「A song in the laundry room」最初のストーリーのタイトルは「A memory is something you have or something you have lost」です。

「A memory is something you have or something you have lost(記憶とは、あなたが持っているものか、もしくはあなたが失ってきたものなのか)」


First story is titled “A memory is something you have or something you have lost”.
This story records ordinary scenes through the window of my girlfriend Seiko's house in Copenhagen, 2019. The pictures stand as it is just ordinary scenes of one, but it can be something meaningful scenes for other one. She has been looking at this scenes most of the time when she was at home. Whenever she felt depressed nor her heart were full filled by 000, this scene’s been standing as it is.

Before I visited her in Copenhagen, I’ve received the letter from her. she wrote that the life will be better a bit depending on how thoughtfully you think on ordinary day.
‘A memory is something you have or something you have lost" This beautiful sentence was followed afterwards.
I fold the letter and felt this strange mixture of wistfulness and hope, and I wondered if a memory is something you have or something you've lost.

She moved to Antwerp right after I visited her in Copenhagen and started what she wanted to do.

”A song in the laundry room” #1
A memory is something you have or something you have lost, 2022
26 pages
8 color plates
edition 25 + 2 A.P
Special edition 2, come with a numbered and signed print
13 euros / 1,700yen

About A song in the laundry room

“A song in the laundry room” is my new series of personal short stories which seems it doesn’t make any sense for someone else. But, I personally have it as small treasure of my life and made it for only myself.
The series title “A song in the laundry room” is named after the sentence of Brazilian author Clarice Lispector’s novel.